
High Performance Sport Accreditation (HPSA)

BASES High Performance Sport Accreditation (HPSA) is a specialist accreditation for experienced sport scientists working in high performance sport. The purpose of the scheme is to provide recognition of excellence to those working within the UK high performance sport environment and ensure ongoing quality assurance to practitioners at the highest level. In addition, it serves to provide a higher-level pathway to further develop those practitioners with significant experience in high performance sport. HPSA is for a five-year term.

    HPSA is a BASES scheme and is recognised by the British Olympic Association (BOA), the British Paralympic Association (BPA), UK Sport and the Home Country Sports Institutes as the highest quality assured accreditation available to sport scientists working in the high-performance sector. 

    On successfully obtaining High Performance Sport Accreditation, applicants can choose to be listed on the BASES Consultant Finder on our website and to be registered as a Chartered Scientist with the Science Council. Chartered Scientist represents a single chartered mark for all scientists, recognising the high levels of professionalism and competence in science.

    How do I apply?

    • Read the HPSA Application Guidelines (see below)
    • Complete the HPSA Application Form
    • Initial applications must be submitted via the HPSA submission form along with payment
    • Re-accreditation applications must be submitted via the HPSA Re-accreditation submission form
    • Submission dates windows are open between 1 December and 6 January as well as 1 June and 1 July each year
    • The HPSA application fee is £525.00, which includes all elements of the comprehensive assessment process and the provision of an Action Plan.
    • The HPSA Re-accreditation fee is £105. Re-accreditation is required every 5 years.

    Forms and Guidelines

      Re-Accreditation Documents

      Please download and complete the below. Then attach to the online submission form:

      Additional information for HPSA applicants

      HPSA Competencies Framework

      Chartered Scientist (CSci)

      BASES has worked with the Science Council to align the Chartered Scientist (CSci) competencies with the required competencies for BASES Accreditation and BASES High Performance Sport Accreditation (HPSA), enabling BASES members to register as a Chartered Scientist once accreditation applications have been approved. The CSci competencies that must be met and how they are assessed are detailed within the HPSA Application Guidelines (section 7)*updated guidelines will be uploaded on or before 12 May 2022*.

      Chartered Scientist Application and Renewal

      When applying for HPSA, members have the option of applying for registration as a Chartered Scientist as part of their application. The CSci fee is £60, which is refundable if your HPSA application is not successful.

      Unlike HPSA, which lasts for 5 years, CSci renewal takes place on an annual basis. The renewal process consists of a short form confirming your continuing professional development (CPD). BASES will email you with a reminder a month before your renewal date. You need to maintain continuous professional membership of BASES, in addition to meeting the Science Council CPD requirements, in order to maintain CSci status.

      BASES members who are registered as Chartered Scientists may be randomly selected by the Science Council for a Continuous Professional Development (CPD) audit.

      HPSA Assessors


      Assessors will receive 10 x CPD credits per application

      Current HPSA Assessors

      Contact Pathway
      Chris Barnes Physiology / Football Science
      Prof Kevin Thompson Physiology
      Dr Joy Bringer Psychology
      Dr Jonathan Katz Psychology
      John Marchant Psychology
      Misha Botting Psychology
      Dr Malcolm Fairweather Skill Acquisition / Notational Analysis / Performance Analysis
      Neil Gibson Physiology / Football Science
      Dr Russ Wrigley Football Science
      Andrew Murray Physiology
      Kenny More Skill Acquisition / Notational Analysis / Performance Analysis
      Sarah Gilchrist Physiology
      Kevin Paxton Football Science
      Matthew Cook Football Science
      Nick Chadd Football Science
      Matt Green Physiology
      Dr Matthew Taberner Football Science/Rehabilitation

      HPSA for Skill Acquisition and Notational Analysis

      HPSA Skill Acquisition

      Skill Acquisition has been recognised by the BASES Board as an independent HPSA qualification area. To help achieve HPSA accreditation and reaccreditation in Skill Acquisition credits can be gathered through ESAN (Expertise and Skill Acquisition Network) forums and via Home Country Institute continual professional development events. ESAN and targeted Home Country events will be pre-assessed for HPSA credit status and the number of HPSA credits per event will be recorded and advertised by BASES.

      HPSA Notational Analysis

      Notational Analysis has been recognised by the BASES Board as a specialised HPSA qualification area within the broader area of Performance Analysis. Relevant CPD events will be advertised on the BASES website and will be allocated credits towards re-accreditation

      'Combination Applications'

      If an applicant is suitably qualified and suitably experienced across two HPSA support disciplines then applicants may register their application for HPSA qualification under dual qualification (e.g. Biomechanics/Notational Analysis or, Sports Psychology/Skill Acquisition). In this circumstance applicants must clearly meet and satisfy HPSA qualification requirements within both areas.

      HPSA Examplars

      Frequently asked questions

      Who is the High Performance Sport Accreditation (HPSA) for?

      HPSA is for experienced sport scientists working in high performance sport. The purpose of the scheme is to provide recognition of excellence to those working within the UK high performance sport environment and ensure ongoing quality assurance to practitioners at the highest level. In addition, it serves to provide a higher-level pathway to further develop those practitioners with significant experience in high performance sport.

        Is HPSA a BASES scheme?

        Yes, it is. BASES established and is responsible for running of the HPSA scheme. BASES consulted with a number of key stakeholders in the development of HPSA, including UK Sport, the British Olympic Association (BOA), the British Paralympic Association (BPA) and the Home Country Sport Institutes (HCSI).

        What is the benefit of having HPSA?

        HPSA is widely recognised as the highest level of sport science support quality assurance within high performance sport. As such, HPSA confers many employment and progression benefits. In addition, HPSA provides a professional development pathway for those working in this sector.

        What is involved in applying for HPSA?

        Applications are assessed against the 10 HPSA competencies. Applicants must demonstrate evidence of achieving all competencies through a combination of the following four methods of assessment:
        1. A portfolio application form
        2. References from four referees nominated by the applicant
        3. Observation of practice by an assessor
        4. In person meeting with an assessor

        It is important to note that HPSA is awarded based upon the achievement of all of the 10 HPSA competencies and that in order to achieve these, applicants will normally be expected to have at least 5 years of experience of providing structured and on-going scientific support to high performance athletes as a BASES Accredited Sport and Exercise Scientist.

        The cost of the HPSA application is £500 - fees cover the cost of assessing applications and administering the scheme. Further application guidelines are provided in the Applicant Guidelines and Portfolio Application Form. The HPSA scheme is a not for profit accreditation scheme.

        How will my application be assessed?

        HPSA is a competency-based scheme - your application, references, observation and in person meeting will be assessed for evidence of the HPSA competencies. The assessment process will be carried out by BASES HPSA assessors, who have undergone formal training specific to this scheme. Once the information in the portfolio application form and the supporting references has been assessed, the applicant will be informed by the BASES Office whether or not the application may progress to the next stage of the observation and interview.

        Where did the competencies for HPSA come from?

        The HPSA competencies were initially identified through a rigorous audit of the skills and competencies required in high performance sport. They were further developed through consultation with key stakeholders, including UK Sport, the HCSIs and representatives from professional sports. The HPSA competencies also include all of the required standards to achieve Chartered Scientist status (awarded by the Science Council)

        How long does HPSA last for?

        HPSA is for a 5 year term. During this time you will also hold BASES Sport and Exercise Scientist Accreditation. Re-licensing will be required to maintain HPSA.

        Why is there now more than one level of BASES accreditation?

        A hierarchical model of accreditation has been developed to provide a scheme that is not only specific to high performance sport but also of a higher standard. HPSA therefore provides a professional pathway for practitioners and a higher level of quality assurance for employers.

        If HPSA is necessary to work in a high performance environment, then how do those without HPSA gain sufficient experience?

        Because HPSA is competency-based, it is the attainment of these that is essential to gain HPSA. Whilst some of these can only be developed whilst working in high performance sport, others can be developed in other sport environments. Prospective applicants are advised to use the HPSA competencies to plan their continuing professional development (CPD) and to find a mentor who can provide guidance and direction in such development.

        If I am interested in applying, then what should I do?

        Prospective applicants are encouraged to identify a mentor (ideally someone who holds HPSA) who can provide guidance in their professional development and attainment of the HPSA competencies; this should be done early in the process of preparing for HPSA. 

        It is important that prior to an application the guidelines are read carefully, and where appropriate, the applicant seeks guidance from their mentor. Given the number of methods by which applicants are assessed, as well as the need for receipt of references and the scheduling of the observation and interview, the applicant should expect the assessment process to take approximately 3 months.

        About BASES

        BASES stands for the British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences. BASES is the professional body for sport and exercise sciences in the UK.

        Contact us
        • Rooms G07 and G08 Fairfax Hall, Leeds Beckett University, Headingley Campus. Headingley, Leeds LS6 3QT
        • 07838 153258